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​홍 순 선


Professor.  Inha University School of Medicine

  • Major : Biomedical Science, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics

  • Address : B-308, Jeongsuk Bld., Shinheung-dong, Chung-gu, Incheon, 22332, Korea.

  • Office : 032 - 890 - 3683   /  Fax : 032 - 890 - 2462 

  • Email :

홍순선교수님 사진.jpg

Doctor of Philosophy (Feb 2001)

Dept. of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Master of Science (Feb 1998)

Dept. of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Bachelor of Science (Feb 1996)

College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Professional Experience


  • 인하대학교 대학원 바이오메디컬 사이언스·엔지니어링 협동과정 전공주임 (2021 - 2022)

  • 인하대학교 대학원 바이오메디컬 사이언스·엔지니어링 협동과정 교수 (2020 - Present)

  •  BK21 정밀의학 스마트공학 융합 교육연구단 부단장 (2020- Present)

  •  Editorial Board, International Journal of Molecular Science (Jul 2020 - Present)

  •  IRB Committee, Clinical Trial Center, Inha University Hospital (May 2020 - Present)

  •  인하대학교 대학원 의과학과 전공주임 (2019 - 2022)

  •  한국연구재단 기초연구본부 성과분석 전문위원 (May 2019 - Present)

  •  한국연구재단 의약학단 전문위원(RB, Nov 2018 - 2021)

  •  대한암학회 이사 (Jan 2017– Present)

  •  인하대학교 연구관리위원회 위원(Sep 2016– Present)

  •  미래창조과학부 중견연구자지원사업 도약 연구책임자 (Nov 2015-Present)

  •  Vice-Director, Inha Research Institute for Medical Sciences, Inha University(Feb 2016 – Jun 2018)

  •  대한약학회 연구기획 간사 (Jan 2015 – Jan 2017)

  •  한국보건산업진흥원 전문위원(PM) (Jul 2013 - Jul 2015)

  •  한국발명진흥회 특허기술평가 전문위원(Jan 2013 - Jan 2016)

  •  한국약제학회 학술위원(Jan 2013 – Dec 2013)

  •  Editorial Board, Molecular and Clinical Oncology (Apr 2012 – present)

  •  Editorial Board, European Journal of Molecular Cancer (Sep2018- present)

  •  Inha Fellow Professor (Distinguished Professor), Inha University (2012– 2018)

  •  Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Inha University, Korea (Sep 2011 – Aug 2016)

  •  Vice Director, Translational Research Center, Inha University Hospital (May 2012- Feb 2013)

  •  Contributing Associate Editors-in-Chief, World Journal of Gastroenterology (2011-2015)

  •  Associate Editor, Archives of Pharmacal Research (Jan 2011- Jan 2013)

  •  Editorial Board, Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation (Jan 2012-Dec 2012)

  •  Chair, IRB for Bioequivalence Test, Inha University Hospital (Sep 2009-Aug 2012)

  •  IRB Special Committee, Clinical Trial Center, Inha University Hospital (Sep 2008 - Aug 2012)

  •  Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Inha University, Korea (Sep 2007 – Aug 2011)

  •  Research Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Medical Education (BK21), School of Medicine,      

  • Inha University, Korea (Aug 2006 - Aug 2007)

  •  Research Consultant, Youl Chon Chemical Co., Ltd. (Mar 2006 – Feb 2009)

  •  Senior Scientist, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Seoul National University, Korea

  • Advisor: Kyu-Won Kim (May 2003 – Aug 2006)

  •  Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University School of Medicine, CT, USA

  • Advisor: Ying Xia (Dec 2001- May 2003)

  •  Research Scientist, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Seoul

  • National University, Korea (Mar 2001 – Mar 2003)


  • 국무총리상 (제 7회 암 예방의 날, 2014.03.21)

  • 우수 연구상 (인하대학교 의료원, 2020/ 2019 / 2018 / 2011)

  •  Distinguished Poster Presentation Award, Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (2014) “Synergic Effect of Gemcitabine by a Novel PI3K Inhibitor in Pancreatic Cancer”

  •  Distinguished Poster Presentation Award, Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (2011) “Human bone marrow-derived clonal mesenchymal stem cells alleviated acute pancreatitis by inhibiting inflammatory response”

  •  Distinguished Poster Presentation Award, Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (2010) “HS-104, a novel phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, elicits anticancer activities in human liver cancer cells”

  •  Best Presentation Awards, the 1st Asia Pacific ISSX Meeting (2006)

  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (2001~2003)

  • Young Scientist Fellowship, Korea Research Foundation (2000-2001)



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